Thursday, October 20, 2011

All about convocation ceremony and graduation regalia

The days spent in schools and colleges are considered to be the best days in one’s life. These are the days when students work hard and still enjoy their days to the fullest. They learn quite a lot of things during this period. They basically ready for the future. Hence, all the graduation days during this tenure, like high school graduation and college graduation, are celebrated with zest and pride.
However, one must know what preparations they have to make for the graduation or convocation ceremony. The very first thing required for the graduation ceremony is the graduation regalia. Many a times, you will get ready-made graduation attire in shops. However, for the best of the graduation gown, go for the academic regalia option.
These robes have an internal support so that you don't lose it, even when you are running. These gowns are tailor made for each individual. Your height, weight and waist are measured before the manufacturing process could begin. These robes have strings for custom fit. You can easily adjust the fitting according to your needs. You can loosen or tighten it up with just a pull of a string. As made from durable and breathable materials they can withstand wear and tear along with sweatiness.
These gowns are different from your graduation overalls. Graduation overalls are made from different materials to give you the ultimate look. But you cannot wear them for longer periods of time. You feel a need to get rid of them as soon as your graduation ceremony is over. They are heavy and contain multiple layers of cloth, which is difficult to carry. As developed for a totally different purpose and to be used for just a single day these graduation gowns are in another product class. While academic gowns are built to last graduation gowns and caps are developed to give you the perfect look for a single day.
Academic robes and graduation gowns provide functionality and comfort at different levels. As graduation ceremonies demand special colors and insignias on your gowns. These are perfect for taking your memorable picture with your degree in your hand. However, if you cannot afford to buy the high quality dresses, you must go for cheaper options. You will even get cheap headstart graduation cap and gowns in the market in your city.